Qadınların belə yemək yediyini heç gördünüzmü? – Fotolar
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Qadınların belə yemək yediyini heç gördünüzmü? – Fotolar

Qadınların belə yemək yediyini heç gördünüzmü? – Fotolar

Amerikalı fotoqraf qadın Li Prays bağlı qapılar arxasında “nə oyunlardan çıxdığını” əks etdirən şəkillərini təqdim edib.

Daha çox qadınların təklikdə necə qidalandıqlarını göstərməyə çalışan fotoqrafın bütün şəkillərindəki model özüdür. Li Praysın fotolarını təqdim edir.


The art of bingeing: The images are all set in private places - including the toilet - as in the image above



The artist depicts herself enthusiastically snacking on her bed in her pyjamas


Chinese take-away in the bath. What's not to love?


Anyone for a doughnut? There are a few to go round in this painting


Lifelike painting of the artist asleep after a cupcake binge


Happy Meal: The artist chose binge eating as her subject due to her own struggles with eating disorders

The artist paints herself with a 'defiant gaze'


A refreshing approach to women and their eating habits

Blueberry Pancakes depicts a side of maple syrup balancing on the edge of the bath


The artists often uses the bathroom as the setting for her paintings


Ice Cream shows the artist dipping under water


Tea Cup: One of the few paintings in the series that doesn't involve food


This self-portrait is called 'Sleeping With Peaches'


The paintings ar eon show at a gallery in Santa Fe, USA


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